Thursday, December 13, 2007


About both Japanese and American family children:

In both Japanese and American families, children are considered to be the future of the world.

Since I have not been to Japan, it is difficult for me to discuss the role of Japanese children.

From my observations however, I think that Japanese children have more responsibilities than American children.

In Japan, education is the top priority for families; it ensures success or later in life.

However, in America, money seems to be the primary concern.

In American middle-class families, children are given "allowances" to practice spending habits.
普通アメリカの中産階級の家族で、 支出の習慣を練習する為に子供達は『おこづかい』を与えられます。

The children learn how to save money, purchase goods, and use money in general.

American children go to school, but I think the educational system is much more relaxed than Japan's educational system.

I think that Japanese children have a lot of pressure to get into a good university.

Whether it's the educational system or learning about money, both Japanese and American children are very blessed.

Sunday, December 2, 2007



第二次世界大戦前の日本の伝統的な生活はアメリカの伝統的な生活と違って日本の文化が にちょっと儒教の伝統がありました。例えば、日本の家族は家父長制世帯がでした。しかし、アメリカの文化はあまり家父長制世帯ではなく、伝統的な家族には男女の役柄がありました。例えば、アメリカと日本では、男の人がお金を作り。女の人はが家族の世話をします。最近まで 、男女の役柄は期待されていますしたが、今、女の人はもっと人権がありますから、現代人は自由に働くことができます。


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


アメリカでデートをすることはそれぞれ個人の為にとても大切だと思います。少 し大人は高校から男女交際を始めました。少し大人になる二年生あるいは三年まの時、最初っしょにデートに行きました。しかし、アメリカは広い国で、少し大 人は 色々な高校に行っていますから、デートの経験をしたことがありました。ほとんどん の高校生はデートに行きました。

高校で私は恋人に 会って、私達は三年間つきあっているので、結婚するつもりで す。しかし、これはアメリカの文化ではちょっとまれです。男女交際あるいはいい関係で愛を探すことはとても大切です。今、アメリカの文化では普通男の人が 女の人をデートに誘います。デートの時女の人は伝統的に考えるので男の人が女の人を誘ってくれる方が好きです。でも、男の人んいは沢山の圧力をかけること があります。それは大変はストレスになります。だから、男の人は女の人が男の人をデートに誘ってくれるのが好きです。つまりほとんどの人々の為にデートを することはとてもストレスになります。しかし、いい関係があれば、デートは素晴らしい時間にできます。

It's difficult for me to describe American dating in Japanese. Dating life should be considered more of a "game" then anything. Unlike Japan, men and women do not explicitly say that they are interested in each other and want to go out. But rather, the "dating game" is very subtle. Since people do not explain their intentions clearly, sometimes it can be confusing whether you are actually on a date or not. In high school and middle school, it was common for girls and boys to say "I like you, let's go out." In college and the adult world however, this rarely occurs. The stereotype is that men tend to ask women out on dates. A lot of women tend to be more traditional, in that they want to be pursued and asked out by men. However, this can put a lot of pressure on guys, so they really like it when woman ask them out. If a girl asks out a guy, the man will usually like this because it exemplifies confidence within the woman. However, this doesn't happen too often, because girls still like it when the guys ask them out.

I personally do not have a normal dating relationship. I am 19-years-old and already engaged to marry. In some parts of the U.S., this is considered strange, while in others, it is not. However, most of my friends are dating in college and not in serious relationships. I don't mind though, I cannot wait to marry the man that I love!

Me and my fiancee! We have the best relationship ever ^~ Unlike Japan, it's quite common to see couples show affection to each other in public.

Does this happen often in Japan? ;) haha!

Thursday, November 8, 2007



In Ameria, cliques are classified by the type of fashion that kids wear. The reason is because it classifies individuals into larger groups, and therefore it's easier to make friends and find common interests. Usually within every high school, there is a "hierarchy." Whether its the guys who are good at sports, girls who are cheerleaders, theater kids or band kids, each school has its popular groups. Highschoolers naturally separate themselves into cliques by fashion, simply because clothes are the most expressive visual aspect of a person.

Personally, I didn't belong to any specific clique in high school. I played sports, acted in theater, belonged to Japanese club, a writing club, and video game club... because of my variety of interests, I never belonged to one specific group.

American high school is just like the movies... only less exaggerated ^^;

Sunday, October 21, 2007


私がアメリカの外で旅した時最初の場所です。子供の時の私の夢は世界中を旅す ることでした。オーストラリア旅行は一番に経験したことです。 初めて夏休みの時、継父と母は仕事の為にオーストラリアを旅しました。継父は 沢山働いていたので、三ケ月間オーストラリアに住むつもりでした。一ケ月間、 母にギリの姉と私はオーストラリアへ行かせてもらいました。私は行くことを楽 しみにしていました。 オーストラリアに行った時、私達は家族に会いました。私達は沢山の楽しい経験 を一緒にしました。ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州ゴルド・コースト市に住みま した。

This isn't the Gold Coast, it's a picture taken further south. But the beaches are gorgeous everywhere.

ゴールド・コースト市はまた『サーファーの楽園』と言う所なので 、 毎
日私達はサーフィンに行きました。子供の時から、いつも海が大好きです。そし て、オーストラリアは世界中で一番きれいな海かあるだと思います。また、私達 は国中を観光しました。 オーストラリアは野性の動物で有名です。エルヲイン・スティーブという動物園 に行ったり、雨林で八キロのハイキングに行った時、沢山の動物を見ました。例 えば、コアラ、カンガルー、色々なトロピカルの鳥、世界で一番毒々しい蛇や面 白い動物を見ました。しかし、雨林の中にいた時、私の足に蛭がいましたよ! 怖 いですね! それから、グレート・バリア・リーフでスキューバダイビングした時、 毎日色々な鮫を見ましたよ。これは怖くて、面白いと思います。

Kangaroos are so cute!! They're like a mix between a dog and a giant rabbit ^~

Me surfing! It's a very difficult sport, but SO much fun!


Australia is the only country I've traveled to abroad, but so far it was the most amazing experience of my life. The country is so unique, in that the environment is both treacherous and gorgeous... learning how to surf was a thrilling experience. It's very difficult to master - standing up on the board is difficult enough, let alone battling 8 ft. waves that plummet on top of you if you're not careful!

One day, when I was surfing at a local spot on the beach, I heard a local yell, "Hey, that's Layne Beachley!" Since I was foreigner, and new to surfing as a sport, I asked myself, "who's that?" Later did I realize that she is...

^~ quite cool!

Sunday, September 23, 2007



ド州リトルトン市です。今、 ボールダーに住んでいて、奇麗な山にかこまれてい

私は十九歳なので、ボールダーのコロラド大学 ヘ行っています。今は専攻の為に
日本語とアジアの歴史を勉強していたのですが、副専攻ーの為に 中国語


Hello! My name is Kara Consigli, and I am a sophomore at the University of Colorado. I'm currently majoring in Japanese and Asian Studies, while minoring in Chinese and computer science. My Japanese isn't the best - most of my friends have been to Japan, but I haven't gone abroad yet. I hope to study abroad next fall in Tokyo, perhaps at Sophia University. I can't wait to go to Japan ~ I've been wanting to go my entire life.

I don't have a favorite hobby, but I like to do many different activities instead. I like lots of sports, including skiing and surfing (which is difficult in Colorado... we're not by the ocean!), playing video games, reading, shopping, and of course.. speaking Japanese! I also am very social and love talking to people, so if you're interested in being friends, let me know!

This is a silly video of me :P I can't speak very well yet...
